Mumsnet Rape Survey

Mumsnet Rape and Sexual Assault Survey (21 Feb - 6 March 2012) 

As shocking and disturbing as the results of this survey are, they serve to contest a key and highly publicised element brought into question by the prosecution. By their own statement, the prosecution clearly attempt to undermine the capable belief that someone could be assaulted in four separate incidents:

"The prosecution asks rhetorically, is this not inherently improbable?"

The results of this survey provides evidence that in fact, of those raped or sexually assaulted, sadly 23% had experienced this four or more times; clear evidence that it is highly probable.

With reference to a question, the dictionary describes the use of the word "rhetorically" as:

"with the aim of producing an effect or making a statement rather than eliciting information".

The following is taken directly from

"Over 1,600 Mumsnetters told us about their experiences, making this one of the biggest surveys so far undertaken into this issue. The results are deeply disturbing, and reflect what Mumsnetters already knew. Rape and sexual assault are far more common than the world at large wants to admit, and the vast majority of rapes and sexual assaults are never even reported.
The survey (completed by over 1,600 women) shows that, of respondents:
  • One in 10 (10%) had been raped
  • Over one-third (35%) had been sexually assaulted
  • 17% had been raped and sexually assaulted
  • Meaning in total, 27% of respondents had been raped, and 52% had been been sexually assaulted.
  • One in four (23%) of those who had been raped or sexually assaulted had experienced this four or more times
  • In two-thirds (66%) of cases the women knew the person responsible
Many women felt unable to report rape or sexual assault:
  • Over four-fifths (83%) of respondents who had been raped or sexually assaulted did not make a report to the police
  • Over one-quarter (29%) didn't tell anyone at all, including friends or family, about the assault/rape
  • Over two-thirds (68%) said they would hesitate reporting to the police due to low conviction rates
  • And over half (53%) would not report due to embarrassment or shame
The results also reveal that most women feel that rape victims are treated poorly:
  • Nearly three-quarters (70%) of respondents feel the media is unsympathetic to women who report rape
  • Over half (53%) feel the legal system is unsympathetic
  • And over half (55%) feel society at large is unsympathetic"
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