Sexuality Is Permission To InvestigateRevealing her sexuality as a lesbian, according to the interpretation of law, serves as permission to conduct and publicly reveal an intrusive investigation into her private life and sexual history.
All to undermine a "subsidiary lie to bolster her account". The CPS agree that she is in fact a lesbian. The conviction of Cassim was not based on Jemma's sexuality, it was based on his proven lies and factual evidence. As Jemma stated in Court:
"rape is rape, whether you are female, male, gay or straight, rape is rape".
Rape Myths
There are a number of rape myths that create "unconscious bias" which in turn creates preconceived ideas of how a women would act during and after rape. A number of these myths were used unchallenged in the trial against Jemma.
Mumsnet survey "We Believe You", one of the largest rape surveys ever conducted, shockingly reveals 23% of rape victims are sexually assaulted four or more times. Yet the CPS state "is this not inherently improbable?".
Other rape myths allowed in Court included: the assumption Jemma could fight her attacker off; that she would scream and shout for help; that she would shower straightaway, that she would have a clear recollection of what happened; that she would have more internal and external wounds; that her sexuality was a major factor.